логотип Venkon Communications

Why Venkon Communications?

In the beginning was the word...

And then came PR

red umbrella background

Our possibilities

A large team of specialists who can make an advertising strategy for any business

success strategy illustration

A large team of copywriters who are able to write texts of any complexity

copywriter illustration

We work for results!

We work for results!

We do effective PR in the media

effective PR illustration

We are always in touch! Even at night!

always in touch illustration

We organize events of any complexity!

event illustration
success illustration

Our agency has implemented many successful cases and helped a number of companies to become truly recognizable

Among our projects:

Tashkent Youth Forum

The Venkon Communications team can promote absolutely any project. One example is the Tashkent Youth Forum. Within the framework of the forum, more than 20 events and meetings of ministers, government officials, opinion leaders with young people took place. In the course of PR support, all central media, television and radio channels, bloggers and influencers were invited for maximum involvement. As a result, we have placed more than 500 publications in the media, influencer blogs, Telegram and Instagram channels. This made it possible to achieve coverage of more than 15 million views.

Tashkent Youth Forum

Movement of five initiatives of the city of Tashkent

On May 22-26, 2022, a large-scale event was held in Tashkent - the Movement of Five Initiatives - a bright city festival, which had no analogues yet. Our team became part of the directorate of the event, within the framework of which meetings of young people with top officials of ministries and departments, sports and intellectual competitions, zones for fans of IT areas were organized. Each day of the movement ended with a three-hour grand concert with performances by Russian pop stars and DJs. Our team organized wide coverage of this event in all media, bloggers, opinion leaders, telegram channels. The festival was discussed not only in Uzbekistan, but also abroad. The total coverage was more than 25 million views.

Movement of five initiatives of the city of Tashkent

School of farmers

The School of Farmers can be considered one of the most difficult, but at the same time interesting projects. If the strategy of working with gyms, mobile companies and restaurants is more than clear, then with Fermerlar Maktabi we had to figure out how to get young people interested in agribusiness. But there are no impossible tasks before us, and the results obtained speak for themselves. Already after the first quarter of the year, the number of people interested in learning the profession of a farmer increased 5 times. At the same time, more than 70 percent of students learned about the school of farmers through social networks. In two months, without cheating, the number of real subscribers increased by 2.5 thousand. The number of applications for admission to the school of farmers has increased several times.

School of farmers


Working with the BUKA FIT sports complex is another successful project of ours. As a rule, the initial tasks of most customers are similar. Among them are the support of a favorable image, recognition, competent communication with consumers, and, of course, the growth of customers. Our results in a relatively short period of time exceeded the client's expectations. Firstly, in a couple of months, the sale of subscriptions increased by 17 percent, the interaction of subscribers in social networks increased by 30 percent. In the same short period of time, there were over 300 mentions in stories (Instagram), both from ordinary users of social networks and influencers with a multi-million audience.


PR activities for Korzinka.uz

Venkon Communications has been working closely with Korzinka.uz, FLO and REDTAG for many years. We organize PR-campaigns and communications with bloggers, we participate in organizing the opening of the chain's supermarkets. Our team annually organizes PR campaigns for the New Year and Children's Day for Korzinka.uz. With the participation of animators, gifts are delivered for 200 bloggers and children, which contributes to organic publications in stories with the Korzinka.uz tag. Venkon Communications also carries out regular mass advertising of Korzinka.uz, FLO and REDTAG in telegram channels and media, as well as through major Instagram bloggers. Advertising of 4-5 different products is promoted monthly, the coverage is gaining from 4 to 8 million views per month.

PR activities for Korzinka.uz

Media tours for Uzairways

Venkon Communications, together with Uzbekistan Airways, organized the first media tour to Batumi for media representatives, bloggers, and influencers from Uzbekistan. As a result, the route Tashkent-Batumi-Tashkent became popular, which contributed to the development of tourist locations in Georgia and an increase in the movement of citizens of the two countries. Our team also organized a media tour to Dubai for media representatives, bloggers and influencers from Uzbekistan. As a result, a lot of attention was drawn to the Uzbekistan-UAE route, and the tourist flow increased many times over.

Media tours for Uzairways